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MDQ Meeting (April) postponed to May 2nd, 2021

søn. 02. mai


online Zoom

Normally, we meet the 3rd Sunday of the Month but due to several accommodations requests, funding to cover that, and other conflicting meetings, we will postpone our meeting until May 2nd, 2021 at 1:00 p.m.

Registration is Closed
See other events
MDQ Meeting (April) postponed to May 2nd, 2021
MDQ Meeting (April) postponed to May 2nd, 2021

Tid og sted

02. mai 2021, 13:00 – 15:00

online Zoom

Om arrangementet

 Greetings MDQ- 

We will be having our monthly meeting posptoned until May 2nd, 2021. We must meet the accomodations requests and get the funding for it. In additon, we have been notified that there are several community meetings taking place at the same time. As a group, we decided to be sure that we have Interpreters for this event.

Come ready:

We will discuss the following things:

1. LGBTQ+ Camping at Wilderness Way in August. 

2. Rainbow Families Cookout on June 13th, 2021

Dele dette arrangementet

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